Liquidation sale is on... Only the Escape and F150, F250, and Ram are left!
Sold. Thanks erich in CT!
Sold. Thanks Eric in NM!
Sold. Thanks Tree in TN!
Sold. Thanks Conrad in AZ!
Sold. Thanks Richard in IL!
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Looking for 6.7L Powerstroke Diesels? At Crosscut, we offer an expansive selection of used diesel trucks for sale, including Ford, Ram, and Dodge. Used diesels, especially 6.0L Powerstrokes, are a great way to economically tow and get around town while having a lot of fun (nothing like hearing that turbo spool).
Or maybe a 6.0L diesel without the DPF/DEF found in the 6.7L? 6.0L Powerstrokes do not have the best reputation. We cover why that is and what you can do to make sure your will last with our Bulletproof Diesel stage 1 kit.
We often get asked for the difference between the diesels. After reselling thousands, here's our take:
We hate nonsense, so we get straight to the point and give the most comprehensive online vehicle evaluation in the country. Our 6.7L Powerstrokes have 80+ pictures, a 15 minute HD video test drive, and a full inspection report. Then when you're ready to buy, we have a 5 minute online negotiation. Then you decide if you want to do the rest online or in person.
But we also want our customers to skip the dealer's nonsense even if they don't buy from us. We wrote a blog that peels back the dealership curtain to beat them at their own game.
For instance, did you know that saying "I'm Paying Cash!" is on the worst things you can say at a dealership? We explain why along with the four other dumbest things you can say at a dealership.